Marlette High School Career Center Students will be provided with transportation to and from the Sanilac Career Center beginning on Sept. 1, 2020. Students scheduled for the AM program should arrive at the HS (north side, parking lot) at 8 AM for pickup. They must wear a mask. They will return to the HS at 11:20 AM. Students scheduled for the PM program should arrive at the HS (north side, parking lot) at 11:45 AM for pickup. They must wear a mask. They will return to the HS at 2:45 PM. If a student needs to enter the building for any reason, they must wear their mask, have their temperature taken and fill out the Covid Exposure questionnaire. Unless a student has made arrangements with the Sanilac Career Center for special driving privileges, they MUST ride the bus.
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
All parents just received a voice mail from the school regarding the Town Hall Meeting tonight. It's 6:00 p.m. tonight. The link has been posted to our app and Facebook.
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
H.S. /J.H. Principal/Parent and School Community Information Wed Aug 26, 2020 6:30pm – 8pm Meeting ID: 948 8866 6487 Passcode: K1hrmS
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
Town Hall Meeting for Sanilac County
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
town hall meeting
Town Hall Meeting for Parents Aug 24, 2020 6:00 PM Meeting ID: 715 7881 9764 Passcode: X5kUCz Please email your questions prior to the meeting to
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Marlette Elementary School invites everyone to our first (and hopefully last) DRIVE-THROUGH OPEN HOUSE! Drop off school supplies, pick up registration paperwork, and wave to your favorite staff members! We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, August 26, 3:30-5:00.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
drive through open house
Dear Preschool Families, While the Marlette Community School district moved the start date to Sept 8th, the Marlette Preschool Center also feels that we need to push back our start date. Preschool will begin on Sept 21st, 2020, for our Monday/Tuesday students and Sept 23rd for our Wednesday/Thursday students. We will have more details about which class your child is in, parent meetings, and how we are following all licensing and state guidelines for preschoolers. Thank you for your patience at this time. We will be in touch soon. Mrs. Albertson and Ms. Luann / Mrs. Marshall and Ms. Tiffany
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Message from the Jr/Sr High School
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
School Start Date Moved to September 8
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
9/8/2020 School Start Date
There will be a Special Board Meeting on Monday, August 24, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of hiring staff. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.
over 4 years ago, Julie Quade
Free and Reduced Meals - Families who receive state assistance may receive a letter from MCS soon regarding free and reduced meals. The letter will state if your family will receive free or reduced priced meals during the 2020-2021 school year. Families who will receive free meals DO NOT need to complete an additional free/reduced meal application. Families who will receive reduced meals may wish to complete an application to see if you qualify for free meals based on income. Free/reduced meal applications can be found online via Skyward or by request in each building office.
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Update on Jr/Sr High School Schedules We are mindful that parents and students desire to see their class schedules. We are in the process of finalizing schedules. We hope to have them posted on Skyward and available for viewing next Monday morning. We are appreciative of everyone's patience as we adapt schedules to meet the changing educational environment. Look for more information in tomorrow's principal's email to parents.
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Did you know you can submit email receipts to earn Box Tops rewards for our school? To find out how visit
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Congratulations Marlette Jr/Sr High School on your COVID-19 Response Grant Award from MCAN! To learn more, visit:
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Good afternoon Red Raider families! Please check out the latest news from Marlette Elementary School-
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
FAMILIES: Are you considering an online option this fall for your students? Did you know that we offer a full K-12 distance learning option? Stay enrolled with our district, receive flexible learning options, and be involved with extracurricular activities and sports! Email your building principal to learn more!
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
Accelerate Ed
Are you looking to join the best teaching team? Apply at Marlette Elementary School and join us as we continue to learn and lead in the Heart of the Thumb!
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Job Posting - Regular Route Bus Driver
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
bus driver posting
Red Raider Athletes if you are interested in playing Hockey this year please contct Mr. Clark at by Friday, August 14th.
over 4 years ago, Chris Clark
The School Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, August 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be held virtually via Zoom at the regularly scheduled time. Go to the Events section of the web page and click on the meeting to connect.
over 4 years ago, Julie Quade