Elementary picture day is Monday, September 14. Virtual families, please let us know when you can get your child here for a picture and we will do the best we can to accommodate you. Retakes are October 21.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
school pics
Marlette Community Schools is taking bids for music stands. Please see the description below. A minimum bid of $500 is required. Bids can be emailed to jquade@marletteschools.org or mailed to: Superintendent's Office, Marlette Community Schools, 6230 Euclid St, Marlette, MI 48453. Bids are due by Friday, September 11, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Manhassett Stand Rack with 25 stands Quantity - 2 Minimum bid $500 Stands are in good to very good condition with some wear, scuffs, and markings. Picture is representative of the item but not the actual item itself.
over 4 years ago, Julie Quade
Music Stands
Marlette Community Schools will be offering FREE breakfast and lunch to all virtual enrolled students until December 31, 2020 or until USDA funds are depleted. You may sign up to receive take-home meals for Monday –Friday when school is in session. Please continue to complete free and reduced meal forms for when the lunches are no longer free. Virtual families, please complete this form if you would like to pick up meals weekly- https://forms.gle/kSzMCViABPULBZPNA
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
Free Lunch Program Announced
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
free lunch
Please complete this one question survey by Friday, September 4 (https://forms.gle/ry2QfxHEH8J7pJk77). If we were forced to shutdown our schools again, would you use Red Raider Care for daycare? Our hours would likely be 6:00 AM – 6:00 PM. If you are interested, please complete a Red Raider Care application and return to the elementary office ASAP (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qvDlL4mdsCLLeFPrwCVkTzQUdZAxB7Kt/view?usp=sharing). Hard copies are available for pick up in the elementary office during normal business hours.  
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
RRC survey
Still considering a virtual option for your students this fall? Make sure to check into the best option right here in Marlette led by THE BEST educators! https://michiganvirtual.org/resources/guides/parent-guide/ https://accelerateeducation.com/what_to_expect_parents.html
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
ATHLETICS UPDATE: With no further information from the MHSAA we are forced to cancel volleyball and soccer competitions through Sept. 4th and Junior High volleyball schedule is canceled through Sept 11th. Cross Country will compete Sept 3rd at Brown City. Good Luck!
over 4 years ago, Chris Clark
ELEMENTARY REMINDER: Technology pick up day is Thursday, September 3, 8-3. Follow the signs. Please return technology you borrowed over the spring before then. Bills will be mailed for missing technology on Thursday.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
tech check out
Students will receive a list of bus rules at the beginning of the school year. Additional rules are in place because of COVID protocols.
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Add'l Bus Rules
Bus Drivers are in the process of contacting parents with morning pick up times. If you do not receive a contact by Thursday afternoon, please contact the Transportation Dept. at 989-635-7425, ext. 44942.
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Jr/Sr High Parents: Please sign into your parent Skyward (marletteschools.org, then Menu, then Parent Skyward log in) and verify your student's emergency information. If you make changes, the HS office will be notified and you won't have to fill out a new emergency contact form. If you prefer the paper copy, your student can pick one up Thursday, Sept. 3 when they have their picture taken. Please contact the HS office if you need assistance signing into Skyward, 989-635-4946. Also, if your student is a virtual student who requested a Chromebook to use, you need to print the Student Personal Device Request form (same place as above), review it with your student, sign and bring it with you to pick up the Chromebook on Thursday, Sept. 3 during your student's picture time.
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
Eligible Red Raiders received an email from Mrs. Vislosky today. Be sure to check your email and complete the application if you are interested in joining National Honor Society. Contact alisha.vislosky@marletteschools.org if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
nhs app
Mr. Sorentino's Friday email: Jr/Sr High School Back to School Information. Please review; lots of good information. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1STPq8dmy8py_OKiLTgDapv00afmv9WNOQADDjniHBUM/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
Welcome Back Elementary Families! We are excited to be back in our building and can't wait to see you on September 8. Please check out these slides and videos from our amazing educators- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LP1fLhwE9X0pDn3cOpbG7f9-behX1ATE?usp=sharing If you are brand new to Marlette, please give us a call (635-7427) to arrange a private tour of our building before September 8.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Elementary Families: Technology pick up for fully virtual students is Thursday, September 3, 8:00-3:00, at the elementary school. Please park and walk up to the cafeteria doors. You may also pick up registration packets and drop off supplies at this time.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
tech check out
Mr. Sorentino would like to apologize for the technical difficulties with last night's scheduled Zoom meeting for the JH/HS parents. We are going to try again tonight(Thursday, August, 27). Here is the link that you will follow to access the meeting. It is from 6:30 to 8 pm. https://zoom.us/j/93350281520?pwd=dlVpcjRIUUtxTVJKL2pVNHdTajRCQT09 Meeting ID: 933 5028 1520 Passcode: 4mVMW2 You can also join by phone at 1 417-719-7702 (PIN: 320309631) Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
Just a reminder that JH/HS students WILL NEED to use their student ID's this year to purchase lunch. It is VERY IMPORTANT that all students in grades 7 thru 12 get their picture taken on Sept. 3. In the past they have been able to punch in their lunch code but this year they must scan their ID. Make up day for pictures is not until October.
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
Parents/Guardians can now make payments for most school costs online via e~Funds for Schools. Payments can be made for food service, college classes, athletic registrations, class fees, athletic team costs (clothing, etc.), club fees, athletic season passes, preschool payments and Red Raider Care. Bank account withdrawals, debit or credit cards may be used. Some fees apply. A link can be found on the website in the Parents Section or visit https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/55701
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Jr/Sr High School Picture Day is Sept. 3, 2020. Please come in during your scheduled time. Students must wear a mask until seated for their picture. AM Career Center students should report after their bus returns. PM Career Center students should report at their scheduled time OR before their bus departs if their time is after their scheduled departure. All students NEED to have their student ID done on picture day. There will be a make up day in October. 8:30-9:00 Last name beginning with A-B 9:00-9:30 Last name beginning with C 9:30-10:00 Last name beginning with D-E-F-G 10:00-10:30 Last name beginning with H-I-J 10:30-11:00 Last name beginning with K-L 11:00-11:30 Last name beginning with M 12:00-12:30 Last name beginning with N-O-P-Q 12:30-1:00 Last name beginning with R-S 1:00-1:30 Last name beginning with T-U-V-W-X Y & Z 1:30-2:30 Anyone who missed their time slot or was unable to come earlier.
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
FAQ sheet for the Jr/Sr High School. Please follow the link for answers to the most frequently asked questions at the Jr/Sr High! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A-ZYc-z2ZVyTcLPhgoEAkFTgQsyc9q_aUaMhIm1S2wY/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Betsy Herron