Marlette Elementary School supply lists are available now-
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Good morning Red Raider Nation! Please read the following letter to families from Superintendent Sarah Barratt regarding our return to school this fall.
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
Substitute bus drivers needed. To apply send a letter of interest to Deanna King at Training is provided by the District.
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Please join us for a virtual townhall meeting on Monday, July 27, at 6:00 PM. Submit your questions to to ensure we are able to address all questions.
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
Townhall meeting July 2020
Graduation Reminders: 1. Marlette is still in Stage 4. Gatherings are limited to 100 people at an outdoor event. The District is interpreting this to mean 100 people in the stands, 100 people (graduates) on the track, 100 people on the fence, etc. 2. Face masks are required I hope this helps clarify any questions you have. If you have additional questions, please contact me at
over 4 years ago, Sarah Barratt, Superintendent
The School Board Meeting scheduled for Monday, July 13, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be held virtually via Zoom at the regularly scheduled time. Go to the Events section of the web page and click on the meeting to connect.
over 4 years ago, Julie Quade
Good morning Red Raider families! Please check the attached FAQ document and let us know if you have additional questions. We will continue to keep everyone updated as we complete the required plans in order to return this fall. Continue to enjoy your summer!
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
Happy Independence Day! 🇺🇸
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
July 4
Class of 2020, Marlette Jr./Sr. High School's graduation ceremony is scheduled for Friday, July 17th at 7:00 pm. This year's ceremony will take place at the football stadium.  Graduates, if you are planning to attend the ceremony on the 17th, then please rsvp with Ms. Betsy by Friday, July 10th. Ms. Betsy can be reached at (989) 635-4946 or
over 4 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
Our fruit and vegetable delivery should be here at 11:00 today. Sorry for the late notice. Please come and get a 25 pound box of fresh fruit and vegetables at 11:00 at the elementary school.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Marlette Community Schools wrapped up the student meal program on Friday. A grand total of 117,481 meals have been enjoyed since March. We feel blessed to serve our community during such difficult times. #SchoolsGetItDone #RedRaiderNation
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
Meals delivered
LIMITED TAX PLEDGE NOTICE Please click on see all posts to view
over 4 years ago, Julie Quade
Limited Tax Pledge Notice
The Alumni Banquet scheduled for Saturday, September 19, 2020, has been canceled. We hope to hold it on the 3rd Saturday of September in 2021 and will honor 4 classes (1969-1972) instead of the normal 3 classes.
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
The School Board Meeting re-scheduled for Monday, June 29, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. will be held virtually via Zoom at the regularly scheduled time. To connect to the meeting, go to the Events section of the Marlette Community Schools web site and click on the meeting then click on the Zoom link to take you to the meeting.
over 4 years ago, Julie Quade
School is out for the summer! Don’t forget to eat with Meet Up and Eat Up. Visit or text Food to 877-877 to find a site near you. The FREE meals served at Meet Up and Eat Up follow USDA nutrition guidelines. Eat right this summer with friends at a local, safe place near you! Marlette Community School deliveries will end on Friday, June 26.
over 4 years ago, Deanna King
Marlette Varsity Soccer (2020) team will meet tonight (6/15) at the varsity soccer field @ 6:00pm
over 4 years ago, Chris Clark
Good morning Red Raiders! Today, meals will be delivered about 3 hours earlier than usual. Also, we’ve passed the 100,000 mark for meals served! Thank you to all who’ve helped make this possible.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Elementary Families: If you missed the pick up dates, keep an eye out for a bus dropping off your child’s belongings today.
over 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
The Marlette Community School teachers would like to announce Carleigh Nickens as the recipient of the 2020 Marlette Education Association scholarship. Congratulations Carleigh and best of luck at Aquinas College this coming Fall!
over 4 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
Meal deliveries will arrive about three hours earlier than usual beginning Friday, June 12, through Friday, June 26. Meals are finished Friday, June 26.
over 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
meals early