CORRECTION- tonight's JV girls basketball game @ Harbor Beach has been canceled. The varsity game will start at 6:30pm
Tonight's girls JV basketball game @ Memlhis has been canceled. Girls Varsity game will start at 6:30pm
Jr/Sr High Parents may now sign up for a conference time. Please note that you need to update your email in Skyward before you sign up for conferences as your zoom invitation will be sent to your email address. Please follow the link below for directions.
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Haley & Levi! #RedRaiderNation
The last year has been challenging. It has been a year of dark times and tumultuous waves. A world-wide pandemic and racial inequities have caused anxiety, stress, and turmoil. Yet, School Social Workers have been a light of HOPE for the students, families, and communities which they serve. School Social Workers are a true beacon of hope for the hurting, marginalized, anxious, or weary. School Social Workers are valuable all the time! Join us in Celebrating School Social Work Week 2021. Thank you Raeann Gentner and Lindsay Theobald!
#BeaconofHope #SSWWeek2021 #RedRaiderNation
The Elementary Students of Sanilac County are hosting a change drive March 8-12, 2021. Every "coin" raised will go to support the Imagination Library of Sanilac County, which mails a FREE age-appropriate book to children 0-5 in Sanilac County.
03/05/2021 Mr. Sorentino's parent email.
The Marlette Board of Education Meeting scheduled for Monday, March 8, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. will be held virtually via Zoom. To connect to the meeting, go to the "Events" section of the webpage and click on the meeting, this will take you to the Zoom link.
Marlette MASAP has started registration for this year and it will run through March 20th. The website to register is here:
Food Pantries Available
The elementary school newsletter for March is available now- #RedRaiderNation #WomensHistoryMonth #MarchIsReadingMonth
A reminder for our families picking up elementary students at the end of the day: Vehicles are to enter the parking lot at the west entrance drive and park. Avoid parking on the sidewalks or in the drive at the end of the day. The sidewalks and drive are a NO PARKING zone and you may be issued a citation. Students will begin leaving the building at 3:00 and are supervised on the sidewalk until a parent/guardian walks to the sidewalk to escort them to the family vehicle. Only adults listed on the Authorized Pick Up Form may pick students up at the end of the day.
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Blake & Lacey! #RedRaiderNation
02/26/2021 Mr. Sorentino's email to Jr/Sr High School parents
Winter Homecoming 2021 is almost here! Congratulations to this year's court and class representatives. #RedRaiderNation #WinterHomecoming2021 #HoCo2021
There will be no Career Center bussing on Friday, February 26. The school day is virtual.
Elementary spring portraits are this Thursday, February 25. #WearASmile #RedRaiderNation
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Audriana & Jaydon! #RedRaiderNation
Marlette Bus Routes Update: Stacie Hill's route will remain split between the following drivers: Ceci Chapin (10A), Michelle Cumper (14B), Melissa Klatkze (16A), Amy Choike (17A) and Linda Laursen (15B), until further notice. Routes will remain similar to those on Friday, February 19. Please note: buses may arrive a bit earlier or later than usual. Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we've dealt with various bussing changes this year!
What better way to celebrate cold temperatures than to create ice cream cones? Through all their work on this project, classwork, and homework, Mrs. Thompson’s 4th graders listed all the factors of numbers between 1 and 100! #RedRaiderNation #MathIsFun #IceCream