Mr. Sorentino's Friday email to Jr/Sr High School parents 02/19/2021
Wow! Mr. Schleicher’s third graders dissected owl pellets today. Despite their general resemblance to scat, owl pellets are not owl poop. They are regurgitated remnants of prey, specifically the indigestible parts of the meal such as bones, fur, claws and feathers. #ScienceEd #RedRaiderNation
The Marlette Jr/Sr High School will remain virtual next week and will return to face to face instruction on March 1st.
Our bus drivers are worried about our students standing out in the cold waiting for their bus and not wearing appropriate winter gear. Hoodies and t-shirts are not appropriate outer wear at this time with temperatures well below freezing. If your child needs a coat, let us know.
Career Center Bussing Update
AM Session students who attend the Career Center and are not quarantined may ride their regular bus to school in the morning and will have transportation to and from the Career Center for the AM session. Students must provide their own transportation home after the AM bus returns them to the high school. Students who wish to ride the bus to the PM session of Career Center and are not in quarantine must provide their own transportation to the high school and arrive no later than 11:45 a.m. PM session students will then be transported to and from the Career Center and may ride their regular bus home.
Please note: There will be no one in the high school office so students will not have access to phones upon return to the high school.
Please Note: No one will be in the high school office on Thursday, February 18 to Friday, February 19. The phone for parents to leave bus messages in the morning will be unmanned. Parents who need to make changes to their student's morning route should contact the bus driver directly between 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Marlette Jr/Sr High School is virtual this week due to 2 confirmed cases of COVID-19. In-person instruction will resume February 23. Everyone affected has been contacted. Elementary students are not affected by this current in-person pause.
Each year on February 17th, #RandomActsofKindnessDay grows in popularity. It is celebrated by individuals, groups, and organizations nationwide to encourage acts of kindness. “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” -Maya Angelou
#RedRaiderNation #BeKind
This is a message from Marlette Community Schools.
Wednesday, February 17th, will be a snow day due to the drifting of snow across the roads and some roads not being plowed.
Bus Changes - Thursday, February 18 AM Route - Miss Melissa's route will not run. Students who ride her bus will be picked up by the driver they started the school year with. Pick up times may vary so please watch for the bus. Thursday, February 18 PM Route - All routes will run as usual.
Friday, February 19 AM & PM Routes - Miss Melissa's route will not run. Students who ride her bus will be picked up and dropped by the same driver they started the school year with. Again, pick up and drop off times may vary.
Tonight's boys basketball games @ Memphis have been canceled. We are working on a makeup date.
Marlette Community Schools will be closed Tuesday, February 16. This is a SNOW DAY! #SnowDayMCS #RedRaiderNation
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Sam & Brayden! #RedRaiderNation
Tonight's girls varsity basketball game vs. Memphis has been canceled. We are working on a make up date.
Marlette Community Schools will be closed today, February 15th, due to inclement weather.
Don't forget to complete the survey for the Superintendent search which is currently underway. The survey is available at this URL: (This link can also be found under the News Section on the MCS Website)
Thank you!!
The Marlette Board of Education will hold a special meeting to conduct a superintendent search planning session on Monday, February 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. To connect to the meeting, go to the "Events" section of the webpage and click on the meeting, this will take you to the Zoom link.
Marlette Community Schools (K-12) will be fully virtual on Friday, February 26. Red Raider Care will not be open. No transportation will be provided for career center students.
02/12/2021 Parent Email from Mr. Sorentino
As you may have heard, we are beginning our superintendent search. Dr. Rod Green with MASB is facilitating this search for the school. He would like to get your input and thoughts on what qualities you would like to see in a superintendent. If you would like to give your input, please attend the virtual meeting on Monday, February 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Go to the Events section of the school's website to connect to the meeting.