I am sorry to report that our girls basketball game tonight (3/24) has been canceled and their season has come to an end due to covid related issues.
almost 4 years ago, Chris Clark
From Band Director Mr. Yaros: Dear Fans of Marlette Band, I wrestled with this decision. On one hand, I know that many of you created special time in your schedule far in advance to make this concert happen for you and your families, but on another hand, we have a good number of students out. If it were a HS Band concert, I might proceed, but since this is the FIRST concert for many of our 6th graders, I put it on a pedestal a bit. It is so much fun, and such a special event - I don't want any of our students to miss out. Look for a reschedule date soon - probably early April or May! Sorry again, folks. COVID stinks.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Boys Basketball district tomorrow vs. Lakeville has been canceled. Marlette boys advance to the semifinal on Thursday (7pm) vs. Brown City at Sandusky. There are currently no changes to the girls district schedule. Girls will play Wednesday (5:30) at Lakeville.
almost 4 years ago, Chris Clark
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Justice & Jordan! #RedRaiderNation
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Congratulations to our varsity wrestlers. Both Manus Bennett and Dylan Rauch qualified on Saturday for the upcoming Regional rounds. Keep up the hard work and good luck this weekend
almost 4 years ago, Chris Clark
almost 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
Thank you to our friends at Independent Bank for providing a pizza party for Ms. Laursen's kindergarten class. They won the pizza party thanks to their hard work raising money for the Sanilac County Dolly Parton Imagination Library! #RedRaiderNation #PizzaParty #DPIL
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Thank you.
Congratulations to our Raider Pride Stars this week at the elementary! We had 624 tickets entered this week. Our students are doing such an incredible job being ready, respectful, and responsible around our campus. #RedRaiderNation #PBIS
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Raider Pride Stars
Career Center buses will run during the week of March 22. Students may ride their regular bus to school in the morning and may ride their regular bus home in the afternoon. However, students must find their own transport home for AM Career Center and to the high school for PM Career Center.
almost 4 years ago, Deanna King
7th-12th Grade students at Marlette Community Schools will move to remote learning (virtual) for the week of March 22 due to COVID cases in the building. We anticipate returning to face to face instruction after spring break on Monday, April 5. Preschool - 6th Grade will remain face to face.
almost 4 years ago, Deanna King
The Marlette Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Monday, March 22, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of hiring staff. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. To connect to the meeting, go to the "Events" section of the webpage and click on the meeting, this will take you to the Zoom link.
almost 4 years ago, Julie Quade
Homecoming will still happen, it's just postponed! Our Student Council and administration are working hard in planning a NEW set of events to happen sometime in the spring! These will include a crowning, an assembly, and many other fun events and activities for students. It is our plan for these to be even BIGGER and BETTER than what we had originally planned this week. Please stay tuned! #RedRaiderNation
almost 4 years ago, Red Raider Nation
Tonight's girls basketball game and tomorrow's boys basketball games have been canceled. These games will not be rescheduled. If you purchased tickets through GoFan your refund is being processed.
almost 4 years ago, Chris Clark
We are accepting sealed bids for the following equipment. All bids must be submitted to the superintendent's office by Thursday, March 25, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. We reserve the right to not accept bids that do not meet our reserve price. You may contact Chris Storm to set up viewing times or ask specific questions about the equipment. cstorm@marletteschools.org or 989-635-7429. Tractor #1 1968 John Deere 2510 Gasoline engine 48 loader Newer rear tires (loaded) Tractor #2 2009 John Deere 2720 31 hp diesel engine Curtis cab with heat Turf tires 54” snow blower 72” mid mower deck 60” frontier box blade
almost 4 years ago, Deanna King
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Daniel & Alex! #RedRaiderNation
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Happy Pi Day! What is pi? Pi is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle. Regardless of the circle's size, this ratio will always equal pi. #RedRaiderNation #MathRules #TheMoreYouKnow
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
pi day
Remember to Spring Forward one hour this Sunday morning. While you're at it, check and replace the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. #RedRaiderNation #DST #StaySafe
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Spring Forward
Congratulations to our Raider Pride Stars this week at the elementary! We had 316 tickets entered for our Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) program which serves to recognize our amazing students for being ready, respectful, and responsible around our campus. #RedRaiderNation #PBIS
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Raider Pride Stars
almost 4 years ago, Betsy Herron
Wow! Check out how much our "reading snakes" have grown as we continue reading throughout the month of March! One hour of reading equals one link on each class's snake. Keep up the great work MES! #RedRaiderNation #ReadersAreLeaders #MIRM
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
snake 1
snake 2
snake 3