Congratulations to our student leaders! We are looking forward to all of the great things you will do next school year.
Congratulations Boys on a great season.
Be VERY proud of your season, Girls. Very proud, indeed.
It’s the end of the week Red Raiders! Today, members of our Track 🏃♂️ team are at the state tournament, and baseball ⚾️ and softball 🥎 are at district tournaments! Go Red!
Next week is the last week of school! #RedRaiderNation #weekend
Next Tuesday, June 7th, is our 16th annual Gayle's Trail Walk-a-Thon at the Marlette Elementary School. Students will be out walking from 8:30-12:00.
Gayle's Trail began as an idea in August 2005 to promote the health and wellness of the Marlette Community Schools' students and staff.
Through a united school and community effort, it has grown into today's beautifully landscaped and paved Trail that provides fitness opportunities for everyone.
Gayle's Trail is named to honor the memory of Mr. Gordon Miller's late wife, Gayle, who enjoyed walking. Mr. Miller and his family have been instrumental in the Trail's development.
Please consider donating to the Gayle's Trail Walk-a-Thon. Donations can be dropped off at the elementary office or sent to Marlette Community Schools.
Are your kids interested in going to a sports camp? Field and Track, and Basketball are being offered!
Our Marlette 7th/8th Grade classes visited the Career Exploration Fair today. They learned about different career offerings and heard people discuss their careers.
Are you interested in changing your career or learning a new trade in the medical field?
Congratulations! We look forward to your student leadership during the 2022-2023 school year.
Buy your tickets at
Best of luck to you all!
It's a great opportunity to cheer on our team! Good LUCK!
An awesome representation of the Marlette Spirit!
Marlette Elementary students enjoyed an entire school fun day organized by Mrs. Zuhlke and many volunteers! The students enjoyed traditional track and field activities and some water games, and silly games. The kids had a blast!
Our 7th and 8th-grade students went on a field trip to see the Quilt of Tears. The quilts draw national attention to the plight of Veterans affected by Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War.
Now, that's the way to win a game!
Congratulations, track stars!
Red Raider Daycare Update:
It was a lovely celebration honoring our Girls Soccer Team.
Mrs. Zuhlke was able to get some fresh air with her students while teaching them great bike safety!
Sports activities are on this week! Go Red Raiders.