More Old Skool Classic Pictures
over 5 years ago, Deanna King
CC Old Skool Classic
CC Old Skool Classic
CC Old Skool Classic
CC Old Skool Classic
The Cross Country Teams had a fun weekend running in the Old Skool Classic. The meet divides the 40 teams into two divisions. Each grade then races against themselves starting with the JH girls at 8 am and concluding with the senior boys at 12:20. Ten medals are given per grade per division. The race also has two river crossings. Riley Ford placed second in the senior girls. Marissa Crase just missed a medal with a 12th place finish. Blake VanHorn was 20th in the senior boys race. Emma Albertson medaled at 9th place and Olivia Storm placed 15th. Emily Martinez was 25th in the sophomore race.Abby Meyer was 13th in the freshman girls race and Dakota McCombs placed 20th. Congratulations to all the runners on a race well run!
over 5 years ago, Deanna King
CC Old Skool Classic
CC Old Skool Classic
CC Old Skool Classic
CC Old Skool Classic
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Jack & Login!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
Congratulations to 2019 HOCO Queen Elizabeth Rohling and King Leo Macha!
over 5 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
King and Queen
Students on Marlette Road who currently ride Ms Tammy’s bus will begin riding Ms Ceci’s bus Monday, September 23. Please watch for the bus between 7:35 and 7:40. Questions? Call Ms Linda, 989-553-4160.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
It was a spirited day at Marlette Jr./Sr. High. Homecoming Parade begins at 6:00 pm. Go Red Raiders!
over 5 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
Thank you to the Anderson family and Corteva Agriscience for donating enough Floorball supplies to play five on five!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
It’s HOMECOMING! Our band did an amazing job with our school song and our football players and cheerleaders were treated like celebrities at the elementary! Be sure to attend tonight’s game against Memphis. Kickoff is 7:00 PM.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
donors choose
VIP & Me was a hit with our elementary families this afternoon!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
VIP night
Congratulations to Marlette senior Marissa Crase for being named a Commended Student in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program. Marissa is 1 of 34,000 students nationally to earn this high honor. We are all very proud of your achievements Marissa!
over 5 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
M Crase
On this Constitution Day, both National pride and Red Raider pride are on display throughout the school building. Happy Constitution Day to all, and Go Red Raiders!
over 5 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
Hoco Pic 2
Varsity Soccer vs Capac
over 5 years ago, Sarah Barratt, Superintendent
Soccer players
Sophomores and Freshman were victorious in today's lunch time games! Our student council has done a fabulous job with planning this week's spirited activities!
over 5 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
Thank you Tammy Major for dropping off two bags full of school supplies for our students! Rite Aid has school supplies marked 75% off, so grab them while you still can.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
It's Homecoming Week at Marlette Community Schools. It will be a week filled with school spirit, several planned events, and excitement for all. Go Red Raiders!
over 5 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
Hoco 1
Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Blake & Connor!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky
SOTW upper elementary 9-16
SOTW lower elementary 9-16
Great halftime show by the Marlette Band tonight!
over 5 years ago, Marlette Jr./Sr. High
All coaches, parents and students please be aware that the MHS Sports Remind is going to be deactivated. We will no longer use this app for athletic department communication. To receive sports updates you will need to download the new Marlette app.
over 5 years ago, Chris Clark
Looking for some great Marlette Elementary School Red Raider wear? Look no further-
over 5 years ago, Mr. Vislosky