Congratulations to the elementary Students of the Week, Kyle and David! #RedRaiderNation
Congratulations to our new National Honor Society Inductees: Trinity Tobey, Khailey House, Marisa Anderson, Payton Brooks, Ethan Marshall, Isabel Guizar, Emily Martinez, Gretchen Steinkopf, Amber Davis, Josie Sartin, and Samantha Moshier. National Honor Society recognizes students who strive towards excellence in academics, leadership, and civic responsibility.
Please talk to your children about the dangers associated with vaping. Here are a couple of resources to help start and lead the conversation with your children.
Late Bus for the afternoon of Monday, October 26 and Tuesday, October 27. Miss Amy H's country students will be held until Miss Linda has completed her town stops. She will then pick them up so these students may arrive home later than normal. If you would like to pick your child up instead, please contact the school offices by 9:00 a.m. each morning. Miss Amy H's town students will ride Miss Amy C's bus. Thank you!
10/22/2020 Email to Jr/Sr High School parents from the principal:
The history of the school bus.
Mrs. Thompson's 4th graders really enjoy a series called Stick Dog. Her class recently received a care package from the author of the series, Tom Watson, with several of his books! We are so thankful for such awesome generosity. #StickDog #StickCat #TroubleAtTable5
Students can keep other students safe on the bus by following the rules.
Red Raider Soccer wins again!! With a win tonight over Harbor Beach (4-2) the Raiders are moving on to a District Championship match on Friday against Macomb Lutheran North. Good luck boys!! Keep up the hard work
Link to sign up for Jr/Sr High School Parent Teacher Conferences.
Thank your Principal!
Marlette Community Schools' buses are now equipped with 2 outside cameras which record vehicles who do not stop for school bus red lights. The cameras will capture vehicles at the front and the back of the bus, including license plate numbers. Please help keep our students safe....stop for the red lights.
Congratulations to our Students of the Week, Adaleena & Garrett! #RedRaiderNation
October 19-23 is National School Bus Safety Week. We thank our school bus drivers for keeping our students safe! Make sure you thank them if you see them.....Miss Ceci, Miss Amy C, Miss Michelle, Miss Tammy, Miss Stacie, Miss Amy H, Miss Deb, Miss Kay and Miss Teressa. We have the best!! Thank you to Mr. Schank, too, for keeping our buses running safely!!
Marlette Schools will be short a driver for the next few mornings. Miss Linda will run two routes. She has distributed a note to affected students. If notified, please be at your stop ready to board the bus each morning so she can run the two routes in a timely manner. All PM routes should run as scheduled. Sub bus drivers are needed. Please contact Deanna King at 989-635-4923 or if interested.
Red Raider Football - Homecoming game starts at 7pm. Gate opens at 6pm. 100 tickets will be on sale at the gate. Entry fee is $5 for all tickets. Spectators need to have a covid entry form, ticket and entry fee to enter. Masks must be worn at all times. South gates will be closed
ANNOUNCEMENT- Today’s homecoming parade is scheduled to begin at 4:30 PM.
Jr/Sr High School Parent Email from Mr. Sorentino:
Also attached is the tutoring schedule:
BUS CHANGE UPDATE! Marlette Schools will be short two drivers tomorrow morning, Friday, October 16. The following routes will be affected: Miss Linda, Miss Amy H, Miss Amy C, Miss Ceci, Miss Kay and Miss Deb. Pick up may be earlier, but most likely 10-15 minutes later than usual. Students should be waiting so drivers will know they are riding. If students will not be riding, please call the High School Office at 989-367-8300. Mrs. Sadler is available to answer the phone at 6:30 a.m. Please leave a message if she is on the line with another parent. Thank you for your cooperation as we work to safely transport your students to school.
HOMECOMING UPDATE- 100 tickets will be available for purchase at the gate for Friday night's game! #RedRaiderNation #Homecoming 2020