Bus Route Change - Miss Amy H and Miss Linda's routes will be double routed on Wednesday, January 27. Students may arrive home later than usual. If parents would like to make alternate arrangements, please contact the school offices by 9:00 a.m. Thank you!!
Congratulations to our Students of the Week, Braelyn & Garrett! #RedRaiderNation
REMINDER: No school on Monday, January 25, 2021. #RedRaiderNation
January 22, 2021 parent email from Mr. Sorentino.
REMINDER: Marlette Community Schools will release students at 1:00 on Thursday, January 21, and Friday, January 22. Lunch will be served.
The Marlette Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. To connect to the meeting, go to the "Events" section of the webpage and click on the meeting, this will take you to the Zoom link.
Jr/Sr High School Exam Day reminders/procedures:
All Virtual Students will enter through the main entrance doors ONLY beginning at 1:04. (If you arrive earlier, please wait in your vehicles.) Masks must be worn and temperatures will be checked.
Virtual Students should have received an email with their room assignment for their exams. They will report to this room and take all of their exams there. There is no exam for virtual band students.
Virtual Students must turn in any electronic devices to the teacher in their exam room prior to the start of the exams.
Face to Face Seventh & Eighth grade students need to check their email for their room assignments for exams. Room assignments are also posted on the office windows.
Face to Face 9th-12th grade students will report to their 1st hour class on Thursday morning and their 4th hour class on Friday morning.
Face to Face students will exit the building using any exit EXCEPT the main doors on both Thursday and Friday.
All Special Education Students will report directly to the Special Education room(s) for their exams.
All Face to Face Students must lock their electronic devices in their lockers prior to reporting to their exam room.
AM Career Center Students will be bussed to the Career Center on Thursday morning. There is no PM Career Center on Thursday and no AM or PM Career Center on Friday.
The make-up window for exams will be announced on Friday once we know how many students need to make up exams.
All Students should check Skyward for their second semester schedules.
Congratulations to our Students of the Week, Landon & Wyatt! #RedRaiderNation
There was some confusion about buses running next week for career center. We are running a career center bus as usual. If students need a ride in for AM career center, they may ride their usual bus to the school, but they will need to be picked up upon returning from career center. PM career center students will need a ride to the school to ride the bus over to the career center and may ride their usual bus home upon their return in the afternoon. #BearWithUs #Sorry
Food giveaway at Marlette First United Methodist Church on Saturday, January 16, at 11:00 am.
Food Giveaway
Parent email from Mr. Sorentino January 15, 2021.
Exam Schedules:
Congratulations and thank you to Mrs. McElroy who was awarded a $5,000 grant from the L & L Educational Foundation! The money granted to us will be used to purchase 2 digital compound microscopes, 2 digital stereo microscopes (Dissecting scopes) and about $1000 worth of new and updated prepared microscope slides for Biology (Life Science) and Geology (Earth Science) classes. #RedRaiderNation #STEM #STEAM #21stCenturyLearning
If our District is notified of a positive COVID-19 case that puts a morning bus route into quarantine, that route will not run. Parents will be immediately notified via the Marlette App and Facebook. The District will call affected families as soon as possible. Please check Skyward and ensure that all listed phone numbers are up to date. Thank you!
Bus Update for Monday-Tuesday, January 18-19. Miss Linda will pick up Miss Amy H's country students in the morning. Miss Deb will pick up Miss Linda's town students in the morning. Times may vary from usual pick up times, so please be ready and watching for the bus. Thank you!
Reminder...we need to know if your student has tested positive for Covid or is quarantined because of an exposure to someone who is positive. Please call your student's school office to report. Thank you.
Just to clarify, 7-12 grades are remaining virtual until Jan. 21. Students will return for exams (in person) on Jan. 21 and Jan. 22. Special Education students are able to be in the building Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday by emailing Mrs. Vislosky.
A phone call was just sent to all parents in the district. If you did not get the message, it states: K-6 will resume face to face instruction on Monday, January 18. 7-12 graders will return on Thursday, January 21.
Do you have some good news about any of our amazing students or alumni? Please forward that good news to: jvislosky@marletteschools.org. We love hearing about and sharing the success of our students and graduates! #RedRaiderNation
Seniors, apply early; apply often! https://sanilaccountycommunityfoundation.org/scholarship-categories/marlette-schools/#RedRaiderNation