We are so glad you are both part of our Marlette team!
Parents and families of seniors, it's time to "Spotlight" your student. We plan to adorn Main Street with pictures of our seniors, bring to light their accomplishment of graduation, and help support their fundraiser for Project Graduation. Please fill out the form by clicking the link below to order your student sign. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxs1g3ibGn6G0C9WdAne4LfoQHYqQwimbQcoccyIQ4UjkCUg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0.
The Board of Education Meeting scheduled for Monday, March 14, 2022 has been RESCHEDULED for MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Elementary School Library.
Our elementary students are motivated to keep on reading. The vending machine is a huge hit, and the kids are eager to read their new books.
Our Boys Basketball team had a dramatic ending season game at Flint Beecher in the Regional Finals.
Supported by the great Marlette fans and Marlette student section, the Red Raiders finished their season as District Champions. The team rated Class C in the top 15 teams in the State.
Congratulations to the Marlette Coaches, Boys, and all of Red Raider Nation for a great season.
This week's newsletter is up and ready for your review—lots of great things are happening in our schools.
Awesome job Tristan! The Marlette Community is very proud of you.
We are so proud of our team! Keep up the great work and we are ALL cheering for you. Get your tickets for the game on Wednesday night. https://gofan.co/app/school/MI10019
Wednesday, March 16th is Beach Day. Wear your Hawaiian shirts and leis in support of our boys basketball team as they head to the next Regional Game against Beecher.
Red Raiders win! 47-46! #RedRaiderNation
The Red Raiders are playing tough tonight vs Bad Axe. 4th qtr. coming up! #RedRaiderNation
The Boys Basketball Regional Game tonight (3/14/22) will be held at
Beecher Community School's Fieldhouse
1020 W Coldwater Rd
Flint, MI 48505
Due to a lack of response, the Talent Show will hopefully be rescheduled before the end of the year.
Here is an UPDATE for tonight's game! We are so excited. Go Red Raiders!
Congratulations to the following Girls Varsity basketball players on their GTC All-Conference honors:
Bethany Ketchum. 2nd Team
Hollie Hartwell. 2nd Team
Gabby Martinez. 2nd Team
Olivia Findlay. Honorable Mention
Ciatilyn Keys Honorable Mention
WELL DONE, Ladies!
Congratulations, Keanna Rodriguez and Emersyn Kloc, for being selected as our Students of the Week. You are both fitting examples of the Red Raider philosophies! Nice work.
Let's fill the bus! If you are interested in attending the Boys Basketball Regional game Monday, March 14th , please fill out this Google form here to ride the student spectator bus: https://forms.gle/dveGx1nZCAJsSrWPA
There are only 46 seats available, and the form will lock when we have filled the bus! So don't delay!! Tickets and bus are donated by a Marlette fan, so there is no cost. Marlette HS students ONLY can ride.
Congratulations to our Red Raider Pride winners for the week of 3-11-22. Nice work students!
The Regular Board of Education Meeting scheduled for Monday, March 14, 2022 has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.
Get your tickets to watch our Marlette Basketball team play Bad Axe on Monday, March 14th at 7:00 p.m.