We are hiring a Science Teacher for our 6th-8th grade students for the new school year!

Just a reminder that the regular Board of Education Meeting scheduled for tonight, Monday, July 11, 2022 was rescheduled for Thursday, July 14, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

Happy Friday Red Raiders!
Summer school returns on Monday, July 11 and our next BOE meeting is Thursday, July 14 @ 6:00pm!
Have a great weekend! #RedRaiderNation

We are hiring a Reading Interventionist who will be working one-on-one with individual elementary-aged students. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1037/Marlette/2234391/Reading_Interventionist.pdf

With a sad heart, we report the loss of one of Marlette's most exemplary citizens.

Hey incoming 6th and 7th graders, join us for Prep 4 Success August 17th 8:30-12:30. Meals will be provided and transportation is available.
Complete your child's registration form for Prep 4 Success here: https://forms.gle/edBkr58e27fAYLez8
If you have any questions, please contact Principal Owen at jessica.owen@marletteschools.org
Submit your form by July 22.

Happy 4th of July Marlette! Please be safe and enjoy your holiday!
#RedRaiderNation #4thofJuly #IndependenceDay2022

We are hiring a Freshman Volleyball Coach! Interested applicants, please visit our website at https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1037/Marlette/2223902/Freshman_Volleyball_Coach__1_.pdf

The week has ended and we made it to the official end of the 2021-22 school year!
Marlette Community Schools will be closed next week: July 4-8.
Please see this link to access the 2022-23 School Calendar: https://bit.ly/MCS202223.
Have a great weekend! #RedRadierNation

We have available openings in our Pre-K program. Please pick up a registration form in the lobby of our Elementary School.

Seniors and parents,
Join us for an informational meeting July 21st from 12:30-1:30. We will discuss graduation and other Senior events. Hope to see you there!

We are proud to announce the official hiring of Tristin Pennington as our new Head Coach for our Boys Basketball Team.
His prior position was the Head Coach in Sandusky for their Boys Basketball Team.
Tristin brings experience and enthusiasm to the position in Marlette, and he and his family are residents of Marlette.

Congratulations to Ethan Marshall and Travis Fuller for being nominated to the Flint area All-Star game.
Both players represented Marlette proudly throughout their high school athletic careers. Being a part of this game was a testimony to their dedication to the Marlette spirit.
Congratulations and thank you, Ethan, Travis, and Coaches Dave Hayden and Jim Marshall.

Hey High School students, please complete this course selection form ASAP. We have added a few new course electives for next year. We MUST have your feedback to determine your schedule. You need to be logged into your school Google account to complete the form as we need to track who has completed it. You submit your course requests by July 1st.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 27, 2022 at 6:00 o’clock p.m. at 6230 Euclid St., Marlette, Michigan, the Board of Education of MARLETTE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS will hold a public hearing to consider the District’s proposed 2022 - 2023 budget. The Board may not adopt its proposed 2022 - 2023 budget until after a public hearing. A copy of the proposed 2022 - 2023 budget, including the proposed property tax millage rate, is available for public inspection during normal business hours at 6230 Euclid St., Marlette, Michigan.
The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the
proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing.
This notice is given by order of the Board of Education.

Students from Marlette Elementary joined children from Sanilac County schools for Camp Invention at the Sanilac Career Center the week of June 20th. This week-long camp focused on hands-on STEM learning, and 75 students created awesome projects and challenged themselves in 4 separate courses each day. The courses students participated in were “Robotic Aquatics,” “Marble Arcade,” “National Inventors’ Hall of Fame’s The Attic,” and “Spacecation.” Marlette Schools embraces our innovative and curious students from kindergarten to 6th grade who love to learn. Participating students included: Eliot Hunter, Annie Burton (not pictured), Chad Swift, Aless Humphrey, Virginia Dean, Zoie Thompson, Kendall Thompson, Mason Townsend, Carter Schlueter, Finlee Hunter, Jayla Swift, Alice Zuhlke, Chet Thompson, Austin Vanderpoel and Bryce Vanderpoel.
Mrs. Thompson, 4th grade teacher at MES, taught “Robotic Aquatics.”

Happy Friday Red Raiders!
Don't forget to head up to the Summer Splash on Saturday from 11am-10pm @ the Marlette Park+Pool!
Also BOE meeting and Budget Hearing is set for Monday, June 27 @ 6pm.
Have a great weekend Marlette! #weekend #RedRaiderNation

The Pandemic-EBT Program provides food benefits to families with children who were not able to get free or reduced-price school meals due to COVID. Please see the brochures for each school building for additional information. For questions or more information, contact the State of Michigan at www.michigan.gov/pebt or call 1-833-905-0028. Do not contact the schools.

Boys High School Basketball Open Gym tonight 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Happy Father's Day to all of our amazing Marlette dads!
Enjoy your special day and thank you for all you do!
#FathersDay2022 #RedRaiderNation