Girls Softball sweeps Vassar at Vassar.
The girls won 17 - 6 in the first game and then 16 - 6 in the 2nd game.
The girls play at Armada tomorrow in the Armada tournament.
Congratulations Girls!
Kindness is blooming at Marlette Elementary!
Parent Input Forms are available in the Elementary School office.
We are so proud of you, Mrs. Vislosky! Congratulations, and thank you for all that you manage to do.
Thank you to our Administrative Professionals team for going above and beyond every day. You are appreciated.
Don't forget to place your popcorn order!
UPDATE: Soccer at Harbor Beach is canceled tonight because of weather.
Our newsletter this week is available for your review!
Because of the inclement weather conditions, we are postponing today's JH track meet and will host it tomorrow, on Thursday at 4:30 at Marlette.
The elementary school recently focused on positive behaviors on the bus routes. Deb Silance's route and Amy Choike's route tied for first place by meeting expectations during the week! The students on those buses enjoyed ice cream and extra recess time! Keep up the great work students! Also, an extra special thanks to all the drivers for transporting our students safely to and from school!
The softball game as been cancelled for today.
Today's track meet has been cancelled.
Junior High Track had a great showing tonight. We are proud of our JH Red Raiders!
Boys Baseball sweeps Mayville at Marlette! Fantastic job, team!
Boys Baseball VS. Mayville at Marlette at 4:00 p.m. is a GO! JH Track at Marlette at 4:30 p.m. is a GO! Girls Soccer AT Memphis at 5:30 p.m. is a GO!
It's another busy athletic schedule this week. Root your teams on for effort and to win!
Congratulations to Deklyn Hazen and Makaylyn Hobson! We are proud of your Red Raider Spirit!
Congratulations to our Girls Softball team on a tremendous win in our Softball Tournament today.
Lady Raiders win Marlette Softball Tournament! The Lady Raiders defeated Mayville in the Championship Game. Way to go! #GoRedRaiders!
What a great day for a ballgame! The softball and baseball teams both won their first games in today's Marlette Tournament and move into the Championship games which will begin at 4:00 p.m. Go Red Raiders!!