1. Our SAT scores were #1 in Sanilac County for the Spring 2019 testing, and #2 in the county for the Spring 2018 testing.
2. Our 2018-2019 concurrent enrollment partnership earned our students a combined 244 college credits and saved our students a combined $102,724 in college tuition. All this was accomplished in our building's classrooms through courses taught by our teaching staff.
3. Our students have access to a social worker, substance abuse prevention specialist, and school counselor for any of their social, emotional, or academic needs
4. We have a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for students of varying interests. From quiz bowl, academic games, art club, band, athletics, engineering club, National Honor Society, student council, Veteran's Esteem Team, Archery club, Trap Shooting team, jazz band, and several other local groups our students can be a part of
5. We have 100% completion for the Tuition Incentive Program, which assists our students financially in pursuing their post-high school career goals.