The Red Raider Mall is an in-school “store” and
provides an opportunity for students to shop for
clothing, personal items, and food at no charge.
The Mall is open
to students every
before/after school
and during their
lunch period.
Students must
have a signed
pass from a teacher to be in the mall during
class time. Families may come in to shop for
their students one time during a calendar month,
and must come after school hours. The Red
Raider Mall is sponsored and supported by the
Marlette community--churches, organizations
and local businesses. Donations are appreciated
and accepted. Clean, new or gently used items
appropriate for student use are always welcome.
If you are interested in donating to this wonderful
cause, then please stop by the Jr./Sr. High
School office with donations. Donations are
accepted during standard business hours, even
when the Raider Mall is not open. If you have
questions or concerns please contact Marlette
Jr/Sr High School at (989) 635-4946.
Red Raider Mall Back for a Third Year
August 28, 2019