We are excited to begin our partnership with
Mid-Michigan College this school year.
Mid-Michigan College is a two-year public
institution located in Mount Pleasant, MI and we
have joined forces with them to provide our
students with concurrent enrollment and dual
enrollment course
opportunities. Prior to
this school year, we
partnered with Ferris
State University to offer
our concurrent
enrollment courses.
During the 2018-2019
school year alone, we
saw 41 of our students complete at least one
concurrent enrollment course, our students
earned a combined 244 college credits, and
saved a combined $102,724 in college tuition
expenses. Additionally, many of our students
completed several college level courses through
Baker College and St. Clair County Community
College. Through this new partnership with
Mid-Michigan College, our students will now be
able to fulfill all their college level course needs
through one institution. This will ease their
process when they transfer those credits to their
chosen post-secondary institution.
Marlette Jr./Sr. High Partners with Mid-Mich
August 28, 2019