1936 MHS Addition

Addition to 1895 Building - Opened in the Fall of 1936

Marlette Alumni Banquet Information

1.    The banquet will be held every 3 years on the 2nd Saturday of September in the “old” gym at the Marlette Jr/Sr High School.

2.    Those who are celebrating their 49th or greater reunion are invited.

3.    The honored classes are those celebrating their 49th, 50th and 51st reunions and are introduced individually.

4.    The meal at past banquets has been changed to refreshments only for 2023 due to the expense, though this may change based on input from
the 2023 attendees.

5.     Please fill out the Banquet Registration Form, if attending, and mail it or email it a month prior to the banquet date so plans can be made to
provide enough refreshments and seating for the event.